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SBJ's Amy Egger, Christine Temple and Valerie Pister accept the design award during a media conference in Detroit.
SBJ photo
SBJ's Amy Egger, Christine Temple and Valerie Pister accept the design award during a media conference in Detroit.

SBJ wins national award

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Springfield Business Journal is the recipient of a national award.

The Alliance of Area Business Publishers last night presented SBJ with a best overall design award during its annual conference in Detroit.

SBJ won a second-place silver award in its category of medium tabloids based on circulation. The judges' comments for the award highlight SBJ's Day in the Life feature series, table of contents, Office NV special edition and other designs. Designers and photographers Heather Mosley, Rebecca Green and Katelyn Egger, as well as Executive Editor Christine Temple, are named in the awards packet.

"There’s a lot to like with this publication, including strong covers with dominant art, generous use of large images inside, and strong bold headline fonts that not only attract attention and guide the reader but also deliver contrast to inside pages," the judges' comments read. "The use of controlled white space is consistent and enhances an open look and feel to every page."

The Worcester Business Journal in Massachusetts won the gold award for best overall design in the medium tabloids category. Bronze honors went to Mainebiz.

More than 140 awards were given out during the event. The awards ceremony marked the culmination of a three-day conference that provided workshops on editorial, sales, marketing and events, and audience development.

AABP represents nearly 60 publications in North America with a combined circulation of roughly 1.2 million, according to its website.

SBJ last year won three awards at the AABP annual conference.


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